YOURLS: Your Own URL Shortener


You currently have 16 Plugins installed, and 9 activated

Plugin Name Version Beschreibung Autor Aktion
404-Redirect1.4A simple plugin which sets the 404 header and shows the 404 page for unknown links.
Plugin Datei Speicherort: 404-redirect/plugin.php
Advanced Reserved URLs1.0Keyword Filter For YOURLS
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
Plugin Datei Speicherort: yourls-advanced-reserved-urls-master/plugin.php
Josh EbyDeaktivieren
Allow Hyphens in Short URLs1.0Allow hyphens in short URLs (like http://sho.rt/hello-world)
Plugin Datei Speicherort: hyphens-in-urls/plugin.php
Anti spam1.0.3Absolute anti-spam plugin. Checks URL against major black lists and removes all crap. Might OR MIGHT NOT work for you. Read the readme.
Plugin Datei Speicherort: antispam/plugin.php
Domain Limiter1.1.0Only allow URLs from admin-specified domains
Plugin Datei Speicherort: yourls-domainlimit-plugin-master/plugin.php
Mass Remove Links1.0Remove several (or all) links.
Plugin Datei Speicherort: mass-remove/plugin.php
Piwik1.0Logs all requests with Piwik. Tracks IP and custom variables. Includes "Don't Log Bots" from OZH
Plugin Datei Speicherort: piwik/plugin.php
interfaSys sàrlAktivieren
Popular Clicks Extended0.2A YOURLS plugin showing the most popular clicks for given time periods.
Release date: 2015-12-30
Plugin Datei Speicherort: yourls-popular-clicks-extended-master/plugin.php
Paul VaughanAktivieren
Random Backgrounds1.0Pretty random background patterns
Plugin Datei Speicherort: random-bg/plugin.php
Random Keywords1.1Assign random keywords to shorturls, like bitly (sho.rt/hJudjK)
Plugin Datei Speicherort: random-keywords/plugin.php
Sample Admin Page1.0A example of a plugin administration page to save user defined option
Plugin Datei Speicherort: sample-page/plugin.php
Sample Plugin0.1Sample plugin to illustrate how actions and filters work. Read its source. Refer to the Plugin API documentation for more details.
Plugin Datei Speicherort: sample-plugin/plugin.php
Sean's QR Code Short URLs1.1Allows you to get the QR code by simply clicking on a button in the Admin area (or by adding .qr to the end of the keyword.) Works with Case-Insensitive to create smaller QR codes.
Plugin Datei Speicherort: seans-qrcode/plugin.php
Sean HendricksonDeaktivieren
YOURLS Toolbar1.0Add a social toolbar to your redirected short URLs. Fork this plugin if you want to make your own toolbar.
Disclaimer: Toolbars ruin the user experience. Be warned.
Plugin Datei Speicherort: sample-toolbar/plugin.php
reCaptcha1.1Implement reCaptcha on public submission page
Plugin Datei Speicherort: recaptcha/plugin.php
Simon BriggsAktivieren
yourls-virustotal0.1Prevent malware URLs using virustotal urlscan API
Plugin Datei Speicherort: virus/plugin.php

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